Katherine Froggatt

Katherine has been a member of St Paul’s Scotforth since 2008 when she and her husband moved into the parish and she greatly values worshipping in the community where she lives. Katherine trained as an ALM in 2023 and in the parish supports the ministry of pastoral care, particularly through Bereavement support and is part of the group overseeing and volunteering for the Hala Pantry (our weekly Food Club). Katherine helps run Fun Church and is currently a member of the PCC.  Katherine also offers Spiritual Direction through the Diocesan spiritual direction network. Since leaving her work at Lancaster University in 2019 she has become involved in ministry in later life, supporting the development of Anna Chaplaincy in Cumbria and now in the Diocese of Blackburn as Anna Chaplaincy Coordinator and teaches the Ministry in Later Life module for the Diocesan ALM programme.   In her leisure time she enjoys walking, running slowly and growing vegetables and fruit on her allotment plot.