Welcome to this page about the Worship and Community Centre at St Paul’s, Hala.
We are part of the ministry of St Paul’s Parish in Scotforth.
Opened in 1984, the vision for St Paul’s, Hala, was to be a Christian presence within the parish on the developing Hala estate.
Prayer, worship and service to the community have continued in many forms over the years and today the centre continues to serve many in the name of Christ.
At the heart of our life together is Sunday worship. We meet every week at 11.15am as a small congregation seeking to learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus today. All ages are welcome and we often have the privilege of welcoming people who have never been to church before, or perhaps not attended for a long time.
Our pattern of worship through the month is usually:
- 1st Sunday Service of the Word
- 2nd Sunday Holy Communion
- 3rdSunday Service of the Word
- 4th Sunday Holy Communion
- (5th Sunday Special Service)
We aim to serve our community through prayer and practical help.
The most visible expression of this is Hala Pantry, which operates each Friday teatime.
Hala Pantry is a Food Club, where members pay a small subscription and for that can take home 2 or 3 large bags of food. The stock available can vary as it is food collected from supermarkets which is either surplus to their requirements or ‘near date’. It usually includes fresh vegetables, meat, frozen foods, milk, and bread.
For more information find ‘Hala Pantry’ on Facebook and our website by clicking here.
Various community groups use the centre throughout the week. The hall is also available for private hire. Enquiries can be made on our website by clicking here.
We would love to hear from you if you have any enquiries or would like to introduce yourself to us.
We can be contacted either through the Parish Office (see the contact us page on this website)
or direct by email to hala@stpauls-scotforth.org