‘All things come from you, O Lord, and of your own do we give you.’ (1 Chronicles 29.14)
Regular Planned Giving
We would like you to consider financially supporting the ministry work of St Paul’s Church in Scotforth and Hala by joining our regular planned giving scheme. As Christians we believe that in giving of ourselves and from our resources we build a community of love, the body of Christ in our midst. We are invited to reflect God’s abundant generosity so that our church can bear witness to God’s love.
Our church relies totally on donations to finance our worship and outreach in our community. By far the largest proportion of these donations comes through regular planned giving from church members for which we give thanks and praise.
Over the last few years, partly due to the Covid pandemic and social distancing restrictions, we have seen a considerable fall in the overall level of regular planned giving. We no longer receive sufficient income to finance our ministry and mission. In fact, in the last few years we ended the year with a substantial financial loss due, in part, to inflation and rising energy costs. In response to this reality the PCC would like to thank our regular givers and to encourage everyone to review the level at which they can commit.
We need to increase our regular giving from its current £46,500 to £103,500, by encouraging more people to give regularly, and by asking those who already support us to prayerfully consider giving even more. This is a large and ambitious target to achieve, but one that we must face and meet together. We realise that we are asking you for this increase during difficult financial times, but we must work together to ensure the continued ministry of St Paul’s Scotforth and Hala.
There is a regular planned giving form underneath this message on this website page and we hope that you will be able to prayerfully consider the level of commitment you are able to make to support St Paul’s Church in your community.
Please return your completed form in an envelope to the Treasurer c/o Parish Office, St Paul’s Parish Hall, Scotforth Road, Lancaster, LA1 4TS. If you are a tax payer, we can increase your support by one quarter if you gift aid your donation using the other form on this website page below which should also be returned in the same envelope.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude for partnering in the gospel in our parish. Your financial gift allows us to share Jesus’ story with those in our community, to serve people in need, to comfort those who mourn, to minister to the sick, to offer hospitality and so much more!
If you have any questions at all then please talk to one of our Churchwardens – Jayne Weatherill or Keith Weatherill – tel: 01524 843135 or email: lifeevents@stpauls-scotforth.org
O Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Pour into our hearts the spirit of your own abundant generosity, that we may be glad to share with others what we ourselves have so richly received to the glory of your name. Amen.
To download a Standing Order Form please click here
To download a Gift Aid Declaration Form please click here