We have a strong relationship with our Scotforth St Paul’s Primary School, Headteacher and staff. The Vicar does weekly worship assemblies and provides pastoral support when appropriate. The school frequently comes to church for RE lessons and end of term worship services. The Vicar is vice-chair of the governing body, working together with other foundation members nominated by the PCC. We also value our links to other local primary and secondary schools and pray for all students, teachers, and support staff involved with educating the next generation.
For further information on Scotforth St Paul’s Primary School please visit their website.
For further information on Ripley St Thomas Academy please visit their website.
Many of the children who worship at St Paul’s apply for a place at Scotforth St Paul’s Primary School and Ripley St Thomas Academy. The Vicar and/or a Church Warden is normally asked to countersign application forms, which confirms regularity of attendance at church. In order to make this process as accurate and as pastoral as possible, parents or guardians are asked to collect a School Admissions Green Card when first attending church. Each week this should be dated and initialled by a Warden or their representative. Attendance of a parent and child is only marked as one attendance; the requirement to identify separately is no longer necessary. If a parent attends on their own then please bring the form with you to get your attendance signed.
Appointments for Ripley St Thomas Supplementary Form signing will be advertised in the weekly notice sheet from mid-September each year.