Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.
1 Chronicles 29:16
Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you have the opportunity to make a lasting gift to God, by leaving a legacy to His church. Leaving a gift in your Will to St Paul’s Scotforth is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support the mission and ministry in your community.
A gift can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and can help keep St Paul’s Church alive, and help transform its future.
Please click here to view the Church of England Legacy Information Pack – Gifts of Faith, Hope and Love.
Making a difference
Like many churches, the regular giving at St Paul’s is absorbed in ‘keeping the show on the road’ including everyday activities such as paying the parish share, insuring and heating our buildings, general maintenance etc.
A gift from your estate is different. At St Paul’s your legacy gift does not have to go towards everyday expenditure; the PCC will spend your gift on a special project to make a difference if you specify this.
For example, a gift in your Will could support the church’s ministry to young people, refurbish a specific area in church or the hall, support an oversees mission partner, equip the church with new hymnals etc.
No matter how large or small, each gift can make a significant impact on our mission and ministry.
Please consider how a gift in your Will could help us meet the needs of future generations.
How can you gift make a difference
Church and fabric – the buildings and contents:
St Paul’s is a part of the local landscape and community. Like many other churches we are continually reviewing and looking at how we offer a warm, welcoming environment for all. This can be looking at access, seating, different areas in church, toilet and kitchen facilities. A gift in your Will could help protect our unique heritage now, and for future generations.
Mission and ministry:
Would you like to see St Paul’s carry out more outreach out to the vulnerable in our local community? Your gift could help subsidise an outreach activity such as Hala Pantry, setting up a debt counselling service or a befriending service for the elderly.
A legacy gift could help transform our provision to the young people in our church; funding a creche, after-school club – enabling us to reach out to young families and their children in our community. We would also like to employ a Youth and Children’s Worker to encourage more children and young people to attend our church; a future legacy could help achieve this.
Over the years organists, singers and composers have passed down strong musical traditions, which continue to play a leading role in the musical and cultural life of our church. Your gift could provide new hymnals, resources for a band, access to other musical resources.
As we all continue to look at ways to save our environment and look at how we live the introduction of using good quality audio-visual aids in church rather than printing of service booklets would help towards this. Your gift could provide equipment installation and on-going training for volunteers.
If you have any questions at all then please do talk to us, all conversations will be in confidence, by contacting Jayne Weatherill or Keith Weatherill (Churchwardens) or Revd Catherine Haydon.