‘Volunteering is doing more than you have to because you want to, in a cause you consider good.’
Ivan Scheier
‘Volunteering brings joy, purpose and belonging…… a gift that we give that goes on giving back to us.’
Archbishop Justin Welby
St Paul’s Church, Scotforth is like every Church of England church in that it is indebted to the many volunteers who contribute their time, skills and enthusiasm to maintaining and enhancing our buildings and supporting our community’s daily life, worship, welcome, and outreach to visitors.
It may seem like there is always an appeal for some role or other but we really do need everyone to consider if they can contribute to the smooth running of the parish. The time that you could give, whether it be for 10 minutes weekly or an hour weekly would be greatly valued. Do you have skills in your work life that are transferable to parish life? All the vacant roles we have all have different time commitments, all need different skills and knowledge, training and support is available and every single one is vital in the bigger picture of our parish.
No contribution is ever too small or too insignificant – it is always welcomed and gratefully received.
If as you are looking through this page and you feel drawn to one of the roles, and there is one paid role, then please do talk to Jayne or Keith our Churchwardens – tel: 01524 843135 or email: lifeevents@stpauls-scotforth.org
Please prayerfully consider if you can contribute to your church, your parish and your community.
There is a pdf version of the booklet available below:
Volunteers Booklet September 2024